My First Award: The Versatile Blogger Award

I have been blogging for 5 years next month, 8 years if you count MySpace (I don’t so this will be the last you hear if it.), with little to no response to anything I have posted or done, until I revamped and moved from blogger to WordPress. I awoke this Saturday morning, exhausted from a heart breaking week (A separate post about this will come eventually)  and rushing my three older girls around for Girl Scout Cookie Booths time.  As I try to do every morning, I check my email, Facebook for messages, and my WordPress Reader. I was happily greeted with a comment from Mindy at Mindy’s Needlework Mania letting me know she had nominated me for a The Versatile Blogger Award.  I cannot express how elated I am with this. I have only been on WordPress for little over a month and already have made more connections, gained more followers, received more comments, and had more page views without giveaway / sponsored posts than I have ever seen on my blogger blog.  I accept this awards a great way to bring more people to my blog and into my Colliding Universe.  Thank you, thank you Mindy. (You’re so nice I had to thank you twice)

I have previously mentioned Mindy’s Needlework Mania as the inspiration for my daughters Sky scarf, which we need to update soon, and use it as a means to teach her how to crochet. I discovered her blog during my first week on WordPress as a fellow crocheted and blogger and immediately fell In love with her cross stitching and embroidery pieces.  I  look forward to her WIP Wednesday posts and eagerly await to see more of her Moogly CAL and temperature scarf.

I really want to connect with more like minded bloggers and hopefully gain a few friend’s and followers along the way. To those I have nominated please do not feel that you have to accept or repost.  There are a few rules to follow to acceot the award.

The rules are:

  • Show the award on your blog.
  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Share seven facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 blogs.
  • Link your nominees’ blogs, and let them know.

Here are my facts.

  1. I am not blogging from a computer per say, my computer crashed back in December and my husband bought me a  PC tablet for Christmas. I miss the clicking of  y keyboard, I miss the length of my ,keyboard, but I like blogging so I’ll do what I can to continue.
  2. I still have my blogger blog, but only use it for sponsored posts and my  reviews.
  3. I really want this blog to be all about me, my crafting, family, and some of the great food I get to create with our limited diets.
  4. I have 6 children and I love that we have a large family, we’re full of love but snort on storage. LOL
  5. I have completed my education but never applied for graduation. I have, however, spoken to Marshall University and have been reassured that when I am ready they will  assist and accept all of my accumulated credits.
  6. I  am a bit quirky and will regularly spout out movie and book quotes, look for Doctor  Who references, and my association with an amazing group of women called Mamageeks on Facebook.
  7. I use cloth diapers they are neither gross or complicated, come in great colors, styles and designs, look much better than disposables. (That last one may have been a bit biased)

Since I am new to WordPress and my connections to from blogger are non existent and fewer still, excuse me for being less than the required 15 nominations.

4 thoughts on “My First Award: The Versatile Blogger Award

  1. I’m glad your here on WordPress. I used to be on blogger. I like WordPress there is a different vibe among everyone over here. It’s a good vibe. Congratulations on your award. I like your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the lovely words about my blog. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoy it and find it helpful. I totally get the “random quote” thing. I am the same way with some shows and movies, and Tim and I practically have our own language when it comes to specific quotes we throw out in certain situations.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have a blog on Blogger. I don’t remember how old it is because I’ve been running it for so long. I have one follower, and if I remember correctly, I’ve never had a response to any of the posts. I tried to engage people in all sorts of ways, but nothing.

    It’s been just over two weeks since I’ve dusted off the old WordPress blog. I’ve had likes and comment from day one and there are more followers every day. And I haven’t even tried hard. There’s a real community here, and people are so generous.

    Congratulations on the award, it’s well-deserved!

    Liked by 1 person

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